
India has always attracted people seeking spiritual enlightenment. Spiritualism is about being loving, compassionate and caring, not only to others but also towards oneself. It is not religion alone that empowers the pilgrim, although it is deeply ingrained in Hinduism, but is simply the search for bliss, emptiness, joy, ecstasy and a feeling of completeness.

The yogis of India bring in people from all around the world. The mental and physical healing power of yoga and meditation has earned a great reputation and the nearby city of Rishikesh is known worldwide as a capital of yoga and meditation.

Uttaranchal with its Himalayan foothills is the perfect environment for a spiritual escape. Yoga and meditation courses, relaxation and even spiritual healing are on offer for those who are interested. The surroundings are ideal to attain self realization.

The Power of Seven Chakras

Wake up Mother Kundalini,
Thou whose nature is Bliss Eternal – the bliss of Brahman,
Thou dwelling like a serpent asleep at the lotus of Muladhara,
Sure affected and distressed am I in body and mind,
Do thou bless me and leave thy place at basic lotus?

Consort of Shiva, the Self-caused Lord of universe,
Do thou take thy upward course through the central canal,
Leaving behind Svadhishthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha And Ajna,
be thou united with Shiva, thy Lord the God,
At Sahasrara – the thousand-petalled lotus in the brain,

Sort there freely,
O Mother,
Giver of Bliss Absolute,
Wake up Mother Kundalini,
Wake up